Goulash festival
As in previous years, Grupo Segura participated in the traditional Goulash festival in Szolnok. On 9 September, a large group of employees from our Szolnok plant in Hungary, accompanied by their families, put on the cooking apron and participated in the regional competition of this typical and world famous Hungarian dish.
The festive and relaxed environment between colleagues and a sunny day, helped to enjoy a very pleasant day for all those attending this gastronomic festival, in which our Hungarian colleagues, who became teachers and taught the Spanish colleagues the secrets of a good Goulash.
Some Spanish employees, cooked their first Goulash in this Contest, and according to local press comments it seems that they did quite well – luck of beginners – although perhaps part of their success was due to the great help which they received from their experienced Hungarian colleagues, who encouraged them at all times and facilitated the achievement of a meritorious final classification.
Segura Group, in line with its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, Diversity, and closeness to the community where we operate, participates in social actions, and promote local culture and values, encouraging all employees equally to develop this type of initiatives.
Congratulations to all!